Psychopathology, emotional aspects and psychological counselling in infertility: a review
doi: 10.7417/CT.2014.1716
D. De Berardis, M. Mazza , S. Marini, L. Del Nibletto, N. Serroni, M.C. Pino, A. Valchera, C. Ortolani, F. Ciarrocchi, G. Martinotti, M. Di Giannantonio
Over the years, infertility has been variably defined. Infertility affects approximately 80 million people from all parts of the world. An important area of discussion has been represented by the possible causal link between psychopathology and infertility. In the past, the prevalence of psychiatric problems among infertile couples was estimated to be 25-60%. The incidence of depression and anxiety in infertile couples is significantly high than in fertile controls and in the general population respectively. Infertility has been linked to obsessive-compulsive symptoms, psychoticism, substance abuse and eating disorders. Psychological impact of infertility is greater in women than in men. Additionally, authors found that infertile patients were more alexithymic than healthy controls. In relation to the different needs, different psychological therapeutic interventions may be indicated. Psychological counseling can provide valuable assistance in dealing with infertility treatments and their eventual failures
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