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Volume 163 - Anno 2012 - Numero 6

Use Piper sarmentosum as an effective antidiabetic supplement in South East Asia: a review

di C.T. Zar, S.L. Teoh, S. Das, Z. Zaiton, H.S. Farihah

Herbs with antidiabetic activity have a potential role to play. Herbal medicines have been widely used in South East Asia because of lesser side effects and cost effectiveness. The main aim of this review article was to disseminate important information regarding the use of herbal products in oxidative stress involved in diseases like diabetes mellitus. The article highlights some of the traditional medicinal plants which have been widely used in South East Asia with special emphasis on Piper sarmentosum. Piper sarmentosum have been reported to possess varying degree of hypoglycemic, antidiabetic and other additional properties. The antioxidant properties of the herbs may be effective in controlling the oxidative damage produced during diabetes mellitus. The review article highlights the positive role of traditional herbs towards diabetes mellitus and also describes its complications. Clin Ter 2012; 163(6):505-510

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