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Volume 165 - Anno 2014 - Numero 3

Non-invasive fibrosis tests are correlated with necroinflammatory actvity of liver in patients with chronic hepatitis B

doi: 10.7417/CT.2014.1719

di G. Ozyalvacli, A. Kucukbayrak, M. Kurt, K. Gurel, O.Gunes, C. Ustun, H. Akdeniz

The gold standarda method used for assessing necroinflammatory activity and fibrosis in the liver is a liver biopsy which has many disadvantages. Therefore, many investigators have been trying to develop non-invasive tests for predicting liver fibrosis score (LFS) of these patients. The aim of this study is to describe the relationship between certain non-invasive fibrosis markers with LFS and histological activity index (HAI) detected histopathologically by liver biopsy in chronic hepatitis B patients

Materials and Methods
A total of 54 patients who had undergone a liver biopsy with the diagnosis of chronic HBV infection were included in the study. Ishak scoring was used for the evaluation of liver fibrosis, and a modified Knodell HAI was used for demonstration of necroinflammation. In this study, non-invasive fibrosis tests were calculated as described in previous studies

Histological acitivity index was positively correlated with age, age/platelet index, cirrhosis discriminant score (CDS), AST/platelet ratio index (APRI), AST/platelet/GGT/AFP index (APGA), fibro-quotient (Fibro-Q), Goteburg University Cirrhosis Index (Guci), and Platelet/Age/Phosphatase/AFP/AST index (PAPAS). When divided into two groups according to HAI, Guci and APGA were found significantly different both in >4 and >4 HAI groups than the other group. In ROC analysis performed for LFS; PAPAS, APGA, FFI and APRI were the markers having the highest AUC levels, and in ROC analysis performed for HAI; Guci, APRI and APGA were the markers with the highest AUC levels.

APRI, APGA and GUCI tests may be helpful in prediction of necroinflammatory scores in the liver. Clin Ter 2014; 165(3):e199-204

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