A case of lichen amyloidosus treated with acitretin
M. Carlesimo, A. Narcisi, D. Orsini, E. Mari, P.P Di Russo, A. Arcese, M. Giubettini, G. Camplone
Lichen amyloidosus is a cutaneous dermatosis clinically characterized by an hyperkeratotic brownish-grey papular eruption located on trunk and extremities, associated to severe pruritus. Histologically it is characterized by amyloid deposits in the papillary derma. Amyloid is an amorphous substance, probably derived by apoptotic keratinocites and other protein such as Apolipoprotein E. The exact pathogenesis of this deposition is not yet understood but some factors can act as favourable agents, such as pruritus. In fact this dermatosis is often associated to intensely pruritic conditions. Its treatment is very difficult but is important, because patients refer a bad quality of life. In literature have been described a lot of therapeutic options, often unefficacious. We describe herein the case of a 39-year old patient affected by Lichen amyloidosis, treated with acitretin a good improvement of cutaneous lesions and a complete resolution of pruritus after only three weeks of treatment. At actual follow-up of eight months the results are maintained. Clin Ter 2011; 162(2):e59-61
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